Putting Words to Music

The first draft of any show marks a pivotal milestone—a moment when the story transitions from an idea into something real and tangible. Here, the characters come alive, taking their first breaths as they begin to express themselves through dialogue, songs, and the raw threads of melody. The Sicilian countryside, the convent’s cloistered walls, and the inner conflicts of duty versus desire start to take form, sketching the emotional landscape of The Sparrow.

At this stage, the draft is like a painter’s first strokes on a blank canvas: bold and full of potential but not yet complete. The interplay between words and music becomes a dance, with each song crafted to deepen the story’s emotional core. This is where the voice of The Sparrow begins to emerge—unique, complex, and layered with the richness of its diverse influences.

Creating this draft is a journey of discovery, as each scene and note adds to the evolving character of the musical. As collaborators, we search for the essence of each character, trying to find where their voices align with the overarching themes of the piece. It’s an exhilarating start, knowing that The Sparrow has taken its first steps toward flight.

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